We advise a number of Irish and International Charities and Not for Profits in relation to the following areas:
- The establishment of Charities and Not for Profits in Ireland
- Changes to legal structures/re-organisations of their existing structures
- The role of trustees/directors and governance issues including the implementation and compliance with relevant good governance codes
- Registering with the Charities Regulatory Authority
- Advising on applications for charitable tax exemptions
- Advising in relation to fundraising and other day to day matters
- Advising a number of Irish Charities on restructuring and incorporating as a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital
- Advising a number of well know Irish Charities in relation to the requirements of the Charities Regulatory Authority
- Advising charities in relation the implementation of good governance codes
- Advising trustees of Charities in relation to their roles and duties
- Joy Compton
T: +353 1 234 2678