Regulatory Enforcement
At Compton Solicitors we have considerable experience in the defence of Regulatory Enforcement.
We provide advice on:
- Pensions prosecutions
- Planning prosecutions and enforcement notices
- Environmental prosecutions
- Judicial Review of Planning and Enforcement Notices
- Safety prosecutions
- Sale of alcohol prosecutions
- Gaming, Betting and Lotteries
- Representing directors of construction company in pension prosecution
- Representing well known licenced premises in planning enforcement and judicial review
- Representing well known restaurant in planning prosecution
- Representing off licenced premises in prosecutions under the Intoxicating Liquor Acts
- Representing hotel in prosecution under the Intoxicating Liquor Act
- Representing large retail company in customs prosecution
All above prosecutions are defended countrywide
- Lorraine Compton
T: +353 1 234 2678
- Fiona Tonge
T: +353 1 234 2678